A sample player I suppose is more apt. This is just the initial minimum setup but it works! It uses the same approach as the Wave mode in that it uses a variable clock to the DAC to control the pitch and sample rate. This gives it a more unique sound with, yep, some intentional aliasing. The samples are 8-bit unsigned raw PCMs and can be up to 64k in length though I may be able to get well past that limit by using a buffer and reading off the SD card. I didn’t do that here since I wasn’t sure if it could properly keep up (it seems like it can).
I have some ideas on what I can do to make things more interesting though. For instance, I could use the CV input to control to change samples, I could add looping and ping-pong options, etc.
Curious what folks think and if you have any suggestions! This is sort of a bonus feature – the main purpose of WaveBoy is, well, the Waves! But since there’s plenty of space and horsepower on the microcontroller, I’ve been wanting to try my take on a lo-fi sample player and here it is!