While I’m glad I was able to 3D print panels as part of my design process, now that I have a layout that’s good with what should be the final PCB design, I decided to look at using a more common material in the Eurorack space for nice but reasonably cost front panels: FR4. They just came in today and, well, see for yourself!

I think they look stellar! This was the last major piece before being able to declare at least the WaveBoy hardware fully ready to go! There is still software to work on, but I expect that will be a continual process. I mentioned in my last update the idea of a tracker. While I haven’t written much code for that yet, I think it will be a great addition though I do expect it to take some time. Especially for being able to use it as both a step sequencer to drive other modules and internally where it can be used more like LSDJ to manipulate the waveforms. I think both add a ton of value to a module I’m already proud of.